Monday, June 15, 2015

Twenty One Pilots, The Meaning of Life, Etc.

Alright. I'm officially apart of the skeleton clique. If you don't know what that means, it means that I'm now a huge fan of the band Twenty One Pilots. HUGE.

It all started when my friend played their song Car Radio on his car radio, and I was in the passenger seat. I remember thinking how different and weird the song was... I asked myself questions like, "what genre even is this?" And, "what do these lyrics even mean?" At first I was not a fan of their music because it was too different for me. However, as I hung out with this friend more, I listened to Twenty One Pilots more, and their music slowly began to grow on me.

Now I'm at the I-really-want-to-meet-Tyler-Joseph-so-he-can-tell-me-all-about-his-tattoos-and-Josh-is-pretty-cute-and-oh-my-word-they-love-Jesus-too-and-I'm-going-to-learn-to-play-all-their-songs-and-oh-that-was-a-good-lyric-maybe-I-should-get-that-tatted-on-me point.

I've watched some interviews on YouTube of Tyler and Josh, and the more I "get to know" them, the deeper my appreciation becomes for them. I've learned that they keep a lot of things hidden from the public, like the meaning of Tyler's tattoos, what a kitchen sink is to him, etc. But at the same time, their songs portray their deepest thoughts and feelings through lyrics and melodies that most people can relate to.

Through getting to know TOP, I've been beginning to realize how important it is to create things only I understand. Whether it be art, a song, a poem, etc., I believe that living becomes purposeful when I know that one thing no one else knows.

That one thing becomes all the more special and sacred to me, and then that's when I begin to realize the meaning my life has.

I typically go crazy when things don't  make complete sense, because I try so hard to understand the meaning in something, instead of creating it for myself.

Although, I'm just starting to realize that the best things in life have different meanings for different people. Listening to a song and applying my own situations to the melodies and lyrics enables me to discover who I am and who I want to be.

I dare you to create personal meaning through someone else's creation.

Being a teenage girl with a lot of time on her hands and a guitar, I love to write songs. I also love to be crafty (when I'm in the mood). I like writing songs that are easily relatable in the same way to everyone, but I like writing songs that mean something personal to me even more.

I dare you to create something that has meaning to you, and a different meaning to someone else.

Purpose is found through things that don't make sense. But sometimes these things that don't make sense are just too complicated to simply be heard, and they're only created to be listened to. We're just too busy to listen most of the time.

I dare you to listen. Whether it be creating meaning through already created creation, or creating creation with meaning.


To Twenty One Pilots.

The end.

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