Tuesday, August 23, 2016

SST: Update #6 (LAST ONE!)

Hey everyone!

So, Saturday was the official last day of SST. Man. I can't believe it! It feels like just yesterday I was pulling into camp ready to begin the best summer ever...and now that it's all over, I can honestly say that it was the best summer ever. And I mean ever.

There were definitely times when I was exhausted, times where I wanted to crawl up in bed and sleep for 24 hours, times where I was absolutely drained, times where I craved one of my dad's homemade meals, times where my legs hurt so much from climbing up the hill of death, times where I was frustrated with my campers, times where everything I was doing was last minute (and if you know me, I am definitely NOT a last minute kind of person), times where the routine got repetitive....

But even more than that...

There were times where I saw 100+ kids singing and worshiping God, there were times when I had the chance to sit down one-on-one with a camper and pour out God's love and wisdom to them, there were times when I felt as if the staff was so unified- and this reminded me of what heaven is going to look like, there were times when God revealed Himself to me through His creation and nature, there were times when I totally had to rely on Him for the words to say in a certain situation and He gave me those words, there were times when prayer was so important to us that we all stopped what we were doing and circled up and prayed for whatever was going on, there were times when I just felt God's presence more than ever....oh, and there was that one time where I was going ham in a game of Nuk'em. ;)

Looking back at the summer as a whole, I can't even describe to you what an adventure it was. I met so many great friends who had an impact on my life. I had the chance to pour my heart out into the lives of kids battling things that I was blessed never to go through.

And my mission does not end here. Just because the summer is over does not mean my time serving God is. As I enter into college, I am going to strive to be that light to people that don't know Christ. What is this going to look like?

- Loving my professors even when they don't believe what I believe
- Standing up for my beliefs in front of my peers even when I'm alone
- Putting my trust in Him when everything seems to be a mess...my hair, my room, my life :P
- Forgiving others just as Christ forgave me

And it doesn't end there. Every place I step into is going to be my mission field. Whether that be a hockey game, a grocery store, an engineering class, Chuck E Cheese, the mall, a dorm room, etc. etc. etc.....

I am excited to see what God has planned for my life this next year and I can't wait to see his good plan unfold. Does that mean things will be easy??? HECK NO. Things are going to be super rough for me this next year...the whole stepping into adult life thing has already had me in tears these past couple days.

But I remember that God is sovereign in all things and I press on because of this. 

Thank you for keeping up with me the whole summer. God bless y'all!


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