Sunday, March 12, 2017

Willy's Cake Is Better Than Yours.

I'm done living up to a standard.
I'm done making lists and checking things off.
I'm done trying to earn my way into heaven.
I'm done living in fear and regret.

All I want is freedom.


God is not, and never was, my "job." I don't have to punch in and punch out the time I spend with Him (praying, reading the bible, etc.) and meet a certain number of hours each week. I don't have to wear a certain outfit to church like I have to wear a uniform to work. I don't fear Him unforgivably cutting me off when I sin like I fear being fired from my job.

God is and always was my Father. I have a relationship with Him. Do you keep track of the hours you spend with your best friend making SURE you meet a certain number each week? Do you wear a certain outfit every time you hang out together? Are you afraid that your best friend will disown you if you wrong them? Of course not!

This is exactly what my relationship with God looks like. I don't spend time with Him because I have to. I do it because I want to. I don't go to church on Sunday's because it's a rule, I go to church on Sunday's so I can learn about the God of the freakin' universe who created you and me and my fish Billy and photosynthesis. Why would I NOT want to learn about this Dude?!? This Guy came down from Heaven (ehem, did I mention that He was FULLY God, FULLY man), suffered and died in the most humiliating way on a cross, rose from the grave, ascended into heaven, just to PROVE how much He loves us... so much so that now we have FREE access to God. FREE!!!

Back in the old days (Old Testament) before there was this guy named Jesus, the law was real. The phrase "the law" refers back to the first five books of the bible with rules that the God's people had to obey. When the law was broken, so was their relationship with God. That's why it was SO important to them! Sacrifices were real, and they had to be made to atone for your sin. But here's the good news for us...

Jesus was the ULTIMATE sacrifice - living a life of perfection and dying for us. As a believer in Christ and what He did for me, it is out of my love for God and my thankfulness for Jesus that I strive to obey His commandments (His commandments are different from the law in the OT, btw). Just because the old law is broken, doesn't mean God is OK with us running around murdering people! God hated sin back then, and He still hates it now. Take a look at these verses from Hebrews:

"Under the old covenant, the priest stands and ministers before the altar day after day, offering the same sacrifices again and again, which can never take away sins. But our High Priest offered himself to God as a single sacrifice for sins, good for all time. Then he sat down in the place of honor at God’s right hand." Hebrews 10:11-12

It's all about grace, folks. I mess up every single day. You do too. But because of what Jesus did for me, I can approach God exactly the way I am - a dirty, no-good-for-nuthin' sinner - and He welcomes me with open arms. He molds me into who He wants me to become. I don't have to mold myself by doing "good things" and "being nice."

What an insult to God.

When He sees you trying to EARN your salvation, He shivers. He already earned it for you! Let's say your friend baked you a delicious cake. We'll call him Willy. Willy put SO much effort into this cake - it was perfect! And He made it just for you. When Willy shows up one day at your door to give you the cake, you refuse to accept it. Instead, you try and make your own cake for yourself. How do you think this guy Willy would feel?! Probably really heartbroken. And that's exactly how God feels when we don't accept His cake (His grace). We try and do it on our own, but it never ever ever (and I repeat, EVER) works.

Now I've got a question for you. Are you trying to be good? Are you refusing to accept Willy's cake? Are you refusing to accept God's grace?


Or are you... free?

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galations 5:1

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