Tuesday, May 17, 2016


What motivates you? Is it...
  • people?
  • money?
  • magazine articles?
  • Buzzfeed quizzes?
  • time limits?
  • a "goodnight text" from your significant other?
  • dessert at the end of the day?
Whatever it is, we all have something that motivates us. Otherwise, why would we be breathing in and out, in and out, in and out, in and out...? Why would we want our heart to keep beating? Why would we want to get up in the morning? Why would we even want to be alive? Just...why?

Some days you may find yourself repeatedly asking this question of why. Asking "why" is good. It draws you closer to what your purpose is here on earth...while your heart is still beating, while you are still young, while you still have so much unpredictable life ahead of you. 

So let's dig a little deeper then. What is your purpose? Is it to please people or to be accepted by people? Is it to earn money? Is it to change the world? 

What are you living for?

or for some people, the better question is...

Who are you living for?

This is a question that I believe the hearts of people revolve around. If we dig deep into the heart and soul of every person alive on this earth right now at this very moment, we would find a spot meant for something. A root. A foundation. Something that holds everything else in our lives into place. Something that everything else branches off of. 

What we choose to put in this spot is up to us. 

Now the question is, how do we know what to put in our spot? 

JEEESSSSUUUUSSSS!!! Typical Sunday school answer. I know... WAIT! Don't close this blog post yet... I know you've heard it a thousand times, and I know you don't want to hear it again. I know you think that God is irrelevant and just a dude up high in heaven town loving people and doing His God job. But listen.

However cliche this "JEEESSSSUUUUSSSS!!!" answer may sound to you, I think it's beneficial for us all to stop for a second to think about what this really means...to think long and hard about what we're doing and why we're doing it. 

Why are you studying for that AP test tomorrow? To glorify God.
Why do you eat healthy and work out every day? To glorify God.
Why are you on the basketball team? To glorify God.
Why are you taking your pets for a walk today? To glorify God.
Why do you play guitar? To glorify God.
Why do you plant tomatoes in your backyard? To glorify God.

See the pattern? 

God, the creator of the universe, the creator of the mountains, the creator of the oceans, the creator of the souls... the One who reigns from heaven, the kind and passionate and unimaginably powerful and almighty Being... 

I want Him to be my motivation. 

The one who became flesh to dwell among his enemies, to live a humble and perfect life and resist temptation... the one who then died for us so that we just might get to know Him... all because of his vast love for us...

I want Him to be in my spot. 

"Therefore, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God." 
1 Corinthians 10:31

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