Friday, September 30, 2016

Why I'm Voting For Triumph

"Oh my word, I am BEYOND terrified...

Like for real! Just LOOKING at them will give you goosebumps. Neither one of them knows what they're doing, and it's clear that they have absolutely no idea what they're talking about half the time... and I'm supposed to trust one of them to be in charge of the WHOLE ENTIRE NATION?!?!?!?!?!? UGHH, this is NOT the way things were supposed to go! Like seriously, I don't want to sound mean or racist or sexist here (like HIM.) but we need someone to really put this country back together, and it's obvious that neither one of those dummies can do the job."

I don't know about you guys, but these are the kinds of things I've been hearing lately regarding the upcoming election that's taking place Tuesday, November 8th. And TBH, it's getting kinda annoying. Actually no, it's getting really, really annoying. Really really? Really really. 

I bet it's annoying you too. All of the commercials, all of the ads, the debates (between the candidates AND between you and your friends), the protests, the lies, the constant back and forth... etc. etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Hmmph. Maybe we set our expectations too high. Maybe we thought going into this that we would finally find someone who could pick up the pieces of this broken country and put them all back together. Someone who could defeat ISIS and save the world... once and for all. 

It's obvious to me (and I'm sure it is to you, as well) that neither Trump nor Clinton is capable of doing those things. Or 3rd party candidate Gary Johnson. Or my uncle Gary Johnson. Or me. Or you.

So now what? We're broken people trying to fix a broken world. We're stuck.


Alright, now I'm going to be honest with y'all. Some of you might get offended. But sharing what I'm about to say is worth losing all my friends.

I couldn't care less who our next president is. 

And it's not because I don't care about our nation or our safety or anything like that... don't get me wrong, I do. And I'm still going to cast a vote and do my duty as an American citizen.

But why would I worry about the next person who's going to "rule" our country when God (and let me remind you who God is... the sovereign ruler of the UNIVERSE) is already sitting on the highest of thrones?

"Kenzie, how on earth can you believe there is a God in control at a time like this?"

That's a good question. This world is freakin' messed up, isn't it? But that's not because of Him... it's because of us. We sinned once, and BOOM... we were all separated from God because of it, and this world became a broken place.

"Kenzie, why would a loving God not want to be with us even when we make mistakes?"

Another good question. It's obviously important to know that God is loving, but it's just as important to know that He is holy and just. Holy, as in, perfect. Just, as in, He's not the mushy-gushy-I'll-accept-anything-you-do-as-long-as-you-do-a-few-good-things-every-once-in-a-while kind of God this world has made Him out to be.

"Kenzie, is there any way I can know God then? I will never be perfect, so..."

YES! And it's because of this: He has already triumphed over the biggest problem this world has ever known - sin. God came down to earth as a human - flesh and bone and pooping on toilets and all that - and lived a perfect life just to die for us and take on the punishment that WE deserve because of our mistakes. How cool is that??

Now, don't be confused. Sin still exists, and it will always exist. God didn't come down to remove sin from the world; rather, He came down to show us that grace is the only thing that can reconcile us to God (bring us back in relationship with Him). It's up to us whether or not we choose to believe in Him and trust in Him with our lives.

I made that decision and my life has NOT been easy by any means. But the fact that I can rest and know that Jesus is the ruler over my life is worth facing all of the trials that I will go through.

So, that's why I'm not worried. He triumphed, and He got my vote. 

Who's got yours?

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