Wednesday, October 26, 2016

I don't know what to title this one. Just read it.

I've been wanting to write a blog post for a while now. However, I have struggled to find something to write about...well, I think I have somewhat of an idea, but it's going to be really hard for me to put it in words because it's not even clear in my head. But I do think something happens when you take time out of your day to sit down and just write out your thoughts, whether you know what you're going to write about or not.

You begin to understand yourself more.

I love to blog and write songs because I tend to be bad at talking. I am not good with arguments, I struggle to defend myself, and it's hard for me to express my emotions on the spot. If you know me, you definitely know this. But I think it's beautiful that I can just sit here and as I think, my fingers move and paint words on the blank space (baaabay, and I'll write your name!) of my computer screen. For real, I am not even thinking about what to say right now, like legit, the words are popping in my head and simultaneously showing up on the screen in front of me. How in the world do our brains work.


So the other day, me and my sister Haley and my friend Alyssa drove to Appleton to go see the new movie, Priceless. You may have heard of it, but I wouldn't be surprised if you haven't. I won't spoil it for you right now (because it's an awesome movie and you should all go see it ASAP), but it's basically about this dude named James who sets out on an unexpected adventure to rescue women from human trafficking.

"Woah, woah, woahh!  Wha-wha-whaat? Who makes movies about that kind of stuff??"

Nobody. That's probably why you haven't heard of it.

"Not only that, but who does that kinda thing? Rescuing women from human trafficking? Who has that kind of bravery and strength? Who has that kind of respect and honor for women these days?"



The world tells you...

You are lazy.
You are easily-angered.
You are selfish.
You are greedy.
You are careless.
You are sloppy.
You are unemotional.
You are indifferent.
You are controlling.
You are unresponsive.

But I don't believe that.

You are hard-working.
You are slow to anger.
You are considerate.
You are generous.
You are gentle.
You are structured.
You are emotional.
You are strong.
You are respectful.
You are attentive.


The world tells you...

You are not good enough.
You are weak.
You are sensitive.
You are needy.
You are an object.
You are ignorant.
You are alone.
You are incomplete.
You are overestimated.
You are useful.

But I don't believe that.

You are enough.
You are capable.
You are compassionate.
You are independent.
You are a human being.
You are knowledgeable.
You are loved.
You are complete.
You are underestimated.
You are purposeful.

Don't listen to who the world says you are. You are so much more than that. Brothers and sisters, it's time we start believing this. Not only that, but it's time we actually start living like we believe it. Stop tearing yourself down, stop wishing you were someone else, stop listening to the radio and wishing that was the life you were living. We are made for so much more than this. Let's stop being lazy and get up and do something with our lives like we mean it. Men, start acting like gentlemen. Women, start acting like ladies. Look to your Creator to find your worth and identity, and nothing else.

Let us all start breathing every breathe and living every day knowing who we are to our King.

"For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?"
Matthew 16:26 

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