Saturday, February 28, 2015

I Will Not Forget

I hate thinking about it. I feel like if I don't somehow express these complicated thoughts into words my mind will explode. I hate when everything is going absolutely wonderful, and then it hits you. I hate when you realize how much you've changed and how many people you've met and then it just invades your mind like an unwelcomed guest. I hate when you begin to think about how much you've grown in the past few years with the people you love, and then it bombards your happiness and transforms it into complete saddness. I believe it happens to all of us.

"It" is goodbye.

Goodbye is a strange word because it can mean a lot of things. For some situations, goodbye could mean for forever, and for other situations goodbye could mean just for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years. Its hard to ever really know. And it sucks when you just have to face the fact that you don't know.

Currently, I'm a junior in high school. This year has been, by far, my absolute favorite of them all. I've made so many new friends and I've grown closer to the ones that I had before. I feel like this year has been the year where I can finally really laugh, ya know? Like I can finally just let it out without holding back or forcing it. I've definitely changed so much this year, and I'm surrounding myself with people I want to be like, which has been my favorite part.

I love people.

And I wish I could say that all the friends I have now will be my friends in 10 years, but the truth is that we're all going to be in different places, with different people, having different experiences. It's strange to think that the people I'll be with in 10 years are people that are complete strangers to me now. It's actually a little scary. But then again, I was saying the same thing 10 years ago.

People will always be coming in and out of my life, which makes it so happy and sad all at the same time. I just want my friends (I would say my family too, but they're not going anywhere) to know that no matter where we all end up in this crazy adventure called life, I will not forget you. I will not forget our conversations, the jokes we made, the things you did for me and the things I did for you.

And even though I will say goodbye, I only mean for a little while, however long that may be. But until then, just know that these moments captured in Polaroids and on my iPhone and in our heads will never be forgotten. I will not forget YOU.

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