Tuesday, February 24, 2015

The Rare

No one really uses the word "rare" anymore. I'm starting to think that it just doesn't apply to our world or society like it did in the past. I'm starting to think that everything and everyone has become so superficial and cliche that it just doesn't make sense to use it, except when talking about gold or diamonds or things of that nature. Wouldn't it be the most exciting thing ever to find a treasure chest containing the most beautiful things buried in the dirt of your backyard? Wouldn't it be wonderful to open that one oyster containing that one pearl after opening a thousand empty ones? What if people could be as rare as treasure chests full of beautiful things? What if people could be as rare as pearls in oysters?

What if people could be... rare?

I want to find someone who's rare. Someone who creates their own trail instead of following the man made path out in front of them. Someone who stands up for what they believe in, instead of lying just for the sake of saving their reputation. Someone who goes out of their way for strangers, someone who doesn't care what their hair looks like or what clothes they wear or how much makeup they have on their face. Someone who doesn't even care what people think of them. Someone who rolls their windows down and blasts country music in their car in the winter just to have that sense of freedom. Do these people even exist? Yes. They do. They're just hard to find. They're rare.

I want to be rare, too. It's not something that someone's automatically born with. I think that anyone can become rare as long as they truly want to be. It's hard, it's difficult, and it's by no means easy. I think there will never come a point in my life where I'll say that I am who I will permanently be. My experiences and my friends will constantly be changing me and molding me into who I want to become or the opposite of what I want to become. It all depends on the people I choose as my friends, and the experiences I choose to live in. I want to choose the rare ones. 

I want to have those moments in life where I think to myself, "I bet this has never happened in the history of the universe ever before." I've had those moments before, too, like where someone says something or does something extremely out of the ordinary that makes you laugh, and no one else understands. I want to have those people in my life that touch me and stay, the ones whom I will never forget because a place or a scent or a color will always remind me of them. Those people that know what you're trying to say when you can't find the words, those people that you can sit comfortably with in the silence of an empty room for hours at a time. Those people that make you feel like your worth something, not just a convenience to them when they're in times of need. I want to look back on my life, the experiences and the people that made it what it was, and I want to say that


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