Sunday, February 22, 2015

The Real

Just this past weekend, I was able to get away from the stress of life for a few days at one of my most favorite places on earth - camp. I've been going to camp for quite some time now, and all of my experiences there never fail to truly amaze me. I've been to camp countless times, either for summer camp or for different retreats through my youth group or church. I always learn so much about myself and the person who I want to be while I'm away there. I love how the place is totally "distraction free" phones, no technology, to TV, no Netflix, no video games, etc. You  may be reading this thinking that a life without all of those things would result in having no life at all, but honestly the result is the exact opposite. I think the reason this generation is so caught up in our devices is because we're afraid to get uncomfortable. We're afraid to say hello to someone walking towards us in the hallway or on the street so we pull out our phones and pretend to text. We're afraid of being straightforward and honest with our feelings to someone face to face, so we type them up instead.

This is why everything get's more difficult at camp. The only way to communicate with people is by actually talking with them, and we're practically forced to make conversation at every meal because we all sit and eat together at the same time. The showers may get cold faster or the heat in the cabins may not be set at a desirable temperature, and you literally have to walk everywhere you want to go. Everything may not go the way you want it to like it does back at home. But honestly, what happened to doing things the hard way? Why does there have to be an easy way out of everything? The song that just popped into my head is Automatic by Miranda Lambert (even if you're not a fan of country music you should look up the lyrics anyways). It's basically about how in the past things were more simple, because everything was done by hand, not automatically. And don't get me wrong, I truly appreciate how this world has advanced in technology and everything of that sort. But I think in the process of becoming so virtual and technology oriented, we lost sight of the beauty of "the real." The real conversations, the real photographs (everyone should just go buy a Polaroid camera because they're so awesome), the real relationships/friendships, the real bravery, the real laughs, the real experiences, etc. etc.

I don't know about you, but I have this burning want for "the real" back. I want to experience life in the most vulnerable way possible, being open and honest and real about everything I say and do. I don't want to hide from a stranger in order to avoid introducing myself, and at this point I would rather be that completely awkward person than the person that's hiding behind the screen of their smartphone all the time. It's not difficult for me to be this way, but what's difficult for me is facing the fact that I can't make everyone else be this way. I can't change the world, and by no means can I change people. Even when I think I can, I never will be able to. 

All I can do is dare you to be real. Step into those awkward and uncomfortable situations. Do things that scare you. Take the risks. Go places you've never been before. Do something for someone you really don't know that well. Make the plans, and commit to them. When you put your phone in your pocket, leave it there. Unplug your headphones. Don't over-think things. Don't just wait for your turn to talk, but listen. Be wild and courageous. Don't even think twice. Go for it. And I'm not going to lie, things are going to feel different and uncomfortable and life is going to get difficult. But in the end, you'll look back and say that 


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